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Security Requirements for Suppliers

Seek continuous improvement

Encourage the continuous improvement of security in your supply chain

Encourage your suppliers to continuously improve their security arrangements. Support them as they work on improvements and explain how improved security can help them compete for and win future contracts with you. Growing your supply chain and increasing your pool of potential suppliers who meet your security needs should be the goal. Avoid creating excessive obstacles to improvement. Acknowledge any existing security practices or certifications that demonstrate how they meet your minimum security requirements. Give your suppliers time to improve security but require them to provide timescales and plans that outline how they intend to do so. Listen to and address any issues suppliers raise, either through performance monitoring, reporting, or after responding to security incidents.

Build trust with suppliers.

When it comes to supply chain management, collaboration is key. Establish strategic partnerships with your suppliers to ensure they understand and adhere to your supply chain security protocols. Invite and value their input, and keep them informed of any security issues. Stay in regular communication for optimal effectiveness.

It is acceptable to allow suppliers to manage their own subcontractors, but require them to report their security performance.