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Sample Verification Report

Base Line Checks

The following pre-employment checks have been performed:

  • Name: Ashok Kumar
  • Identity: Confirmed
  • Nationality: Indian
  • Right to work in India: Confirmed
  • Previous Employer Reference: Checked with XXX
  • Criminal Record Check: Cleared

Confirming Identity

Ashok Kumar’s identity has been confirmed through the following document:

  • Aadhaar: 1234 1235 1234
  • PAN: AAAAA8888D

We have confirmed the validity of the documents from relevant authorities

Additional Documents Verified

  • Birth Certificate
  • Passport
  • Driving License
  • Voter ID Card

Prior Employer Reference

Ashok Kumar’s previous employer XXX has provided a positive reference. They have validated his tenure of employment and role as described in his resume

Employment Tenure

Askhok Kumar has been working in XXX Organisation for the following period:

  • From - 01-01-XXXX
  • To: 01-01-XXXX

Role and Responsibility

Our investigation has stated that the role of Ashok Kumar was as per the details as stated in the resume shared with us

Police Check

Ashok Kumar’s police check has been cleared for New Delhi. Please note verification was done only for New Delhi.


Based on the above verification checks, Ashok Kumar is eligible for employment.

Additional Checks

The company can choose to undertake further addtional checks if required:

  • Educational Qualification validation from Institute
  • Police Verification from all states across India
  • Physical Address Verification as per address in Aadhaar