Retail - Video Analytics

Current Scenario

Retail Analytics

  • It’s nearly impossible to manually monitor hundreds of CCTV cameras across multiple screens 24x7. Even if someone tries to identify suspicious activity, it could result in unusual delays.
  • Most retail facilities use CCTVs to monitor their premises, but they aren’t maximizing their video surveillance investments. Automating various business processes could increase their ROI.
  • Existing VMS used for CCTV monitoring aren’t very intelligent, and in some cases, the lack of centralized monitoring and remote access prevents them from taking proactive actions in case of a breach.

Video Analytics

Video analytics enables quick response for certain actions within a store on a priority basis, without concerns about late or no response for key safety and security aspects within your retail store operations. A central monitoring team coordinates with local security or store personnel to ensure quick action is taken. Every alert is logged, allowing customers to review them later and make appropriate changes to their current responses if needed with ease.


  • High Accuracy: The Facial Recognition System has an accuracy of more than 99.7%
  • Camera Agnostic: The AI models are not optimized for a particular brand, make, or model of the camera. It works with any IP camera with at least 2 MP.
  • Plug n Play Solution: You Only requires an IP camera and decent internet connectivity to run. It can be further integrated with any VMS and can be deployed on cloud or edge.
  • Access Anywhere Anytime: It can be deployed in multiple sites and access it centrally with cloud backup.
  • Resolution Independent: Face recognition can be performed on videos with any resolution, 640×480 or higher, as long as the face size is at least 30x30 pixels.
  • One Stop Automated Solution: For all safety, security, productivity, and hygiene compliances.

Safety and Security Capabilities

Retail Video Analytics

Employee Access Control and Recognition

  • Cash Drawer Monitoring
  • Intrusion Detection
  • Unknown Bag Detection
  • Violence Detection
  • Fire & Smoke Detection
  • Cleaning Detection

Retail Analytics

  • Footfall Analysis (In & Out)
  • Demographic Analysis
  • Queue Analysis
  • Customer Identifications
  • HeatMap Analysis

If you are interested in implementing such similar solutions across your retail outlets, feel free to connect with us.

Connect with us to see how we can help you in your Security and Staffing needs for your Business.