How Logistics Companies can Improve Workforce Retention during Festive Season

Retaining employees during the current festive sales season can have a significant influence on productivity and success for logistics and delivery companies as the holiday peak period approaches. We’ve detailed a few retention methods to aid you in keeping staff members over the busy peak season because the competition for talent during this period is intense
Provision for Break-Out Areas
Although it may seem obvious, we visit dozens of client locations each month, and frequently the staff canteen or break-out spaces are worn-out and unkempt, with peeling paint, broken furniture, and emptied vending machines. People will feel a little more valued if there is new furniture, maintained walls, clean flooring, and basic provision for Tea within their workplace.
We have observed based on our experience that this small change leads to key dual benefits:
20% improvement in Workforce retention within the initial 3 months of enrollment
10-15% improvement in overall employee productivity
Mentorship for New-Joiners
Candidates that are new to your team will be hesitant and a little worried about what to expect (think the first day in school as a kid). Pair up new hires with an experienced team member to provide moral support. It will have long-lasting consequences and foster a welcoming environment for new team members to have someone watch out for recruits during their first few days at work. This allows new employees to meet productivity targets quicker
Performance Measurement and Feedback
This is particularly pertinent for warehouses where there is a significant volume of seasonal labour and daily workforce management is challenging. To make sure that the workforce understands exactly what is expected of them, they must receive regular feedback. Generally, warehouse labour workers are viewed as “disposable,” and excellent candidates are fired because they didn’t know what was expected of them and how to develop. Ensure that you have a clear productivity measurement process to enable quick and objective feedback to all workers weekly.
The simple act of thanking the workforce for a job well done is often overlooked. Even though it’s tough to get to know everyone within the warehouse you are managing, finding and thanking great achievers one-on-one can go a long way toward making them feel appreciated.
Feedback to Management
This could take the form of a Whatsapp Group or suggestion box. Your staff will have some great ideas for ways to enhance different aspects of your operations, and having a mechanism for feedback will guarantee you record them. Do implement ideas that you find are adding value and reward the workers who provided the suggestion. This will form a positive loop that not only makes workers feel more valued but also improves employee retention
No one method works for everyone, but the best suggestion is to put yourself in your employees’ shoes to understand their challenges and solve them at the earliest.
Ensure you have a clean workplace and provide mentorship to all new joiners
Ensure that you have a clear productivity measurement process to enable quick and objective feedback to all workers weekly
We at Knighthood have been working with over 100+ organizations for over 5 years. We focus on ensuring high service levels at affordable prices. You can read more about why our customers choose to work with us.